Monday, February 15, 2010

It's been 2 months already?!?

It's hard to believe that Jack is 2 months old already! Jack got his first round of immunization shots last week. How pitiful! He was pretty fussy the rest of that night, but we were able to put him to bed early. Based on this first shot experience, I will always schedule his shots for the afternoon - I can't imagine what it would've been like to have a fussy baby all day long!

Jack now weighs 12 lb 13 oz and is 24 inches long. He's in the 75%-90% range for both height and weight.

He has also had several nights with extended periods of sleep, although not always in consecutive nights. Last night was BY FAR his longest: he went 9 hr 45 min between feedings!! I think he slept better than I did, though. I kept waking up wondering if he was still breathing. I wanted to get up and check on him, but I didn't. I probably would've slept better if I had :)

He's also taking much better naps now...which makes me really happy! I think he got the hang of his nighttime routine really well and then he caught on to doing it at naptime as well.

And the cutest thing - Jack has giggled....twice! Luke and his mom (YaYa) saw it the first time. Then Jack did it once for me a few days later. We haven't been able to get him to do it again. But he is smiling ALL the time now :)

We've been enjoying lots of snow up here in VA. It's snowing again right now! It's beautiful! Luke posted some pictures of Jack and me in the snow.

Hopefully I'll do better at keeping our blog updated. Our blog tends to take the backseat to housework and sleep when Jack's napping :o)

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