Thursday, February 25, 2010

A bunch of videos...

It's been a while since I've uploaded any videos, so this is a catchup post. Some of them are older than others. Enjoy!!

This video is from a while ago. It's when Jack first started holding onto links. He now grabs at them himself when they're hanging in front of him.

This one's only a few days ago. Jack on his tummy. He's getting stronger every day!!

This one's really not much of anything. I was trying to get Jack to talk and/ or giggle. He does a little talking in this one, but I haven't managed to catch his way cute giggle on video yet.

Our first child: Levi :o) The snow in our yard has turned hard on top from the snow melting during the day and refreezing at night. When Levi was chasing snowballs, his back legs kept sinking in every few steps! We thought it was funny anyhow :o)

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