Friday, April 15, 2011

Gardening Adventures!

About a month ago, we had a speaker come to our MOPS group to talk about gardening/ landscaping stuff. I've always considered myself to have a pretty black thumb. But I was inspired to try a vegetable garden this year (even though I didn't think I would end up following through with is). I mentioned it to our very generous neighbors who are always out in their yard tending to their plants. About a week later they gave us a some organic seeds to get us started!! I planted collards, okra, 2 types of tomatos, 2 types of lettuce, peppers, and onions. That was Monday.

Today I have some collard sprouts!! There's 2 in this picture, but 4 total! Hopefully I'll be able to keep these things alive!!


  1. Yeah gardening! I have started our summer veg and forgot to leave myself a code of what I planted where (I can NEVER keep anything alive in those starter pots, I try and try again but fail every fact I am currently failing again.) Anyway, I have mysterious plants popping up everywhere...some weird strawberry plant slash lettuce looking thing, and a mysterious squash/cucumber/melon thing. But the gophers are taking down my tomatoes. I hate them, I live in the movie caddyshack.

  2. hahaha! it'll be a fun sruprise to find out what everything is once the plants start producing fruit!
