Friday, April 29, 2011

Bible verse, Body parts, and Bubble baths

Jack is learning his animal sounds and his first Bible verse! So, the animal sounds in this video aren't so great, but he can do dog, cat, cow and lion sounds. The animal sounds are followed by Jack (sorta) doing his verse :)

Jack is also learning his body parts. Today he learned "tongue" (not in the video).

And last, but not least (well, maybe least :)), Jack had his first bubble bath tonight :) It took him a while before he would actually sit down in it. And he mostly liked to eat the bubbles.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ladies Man ;)

Funny story:
Jack and I were driving home with the car windows down today. We pulled up beside a car full of college girls (there was at least 5 or 6 of them in there) at a red light who also had their windows down and their music blaring. When they realized there was a toddler in the back of my car they all started waving at Jack. They all flipped out when he blew kisses back at them!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Onions and Peppers!! (well, pepper...)

I was reading back over my last post and realized that I made a mistake. I wrote that my peppers were starting to sprout; however, it was my onions that were sprouting. I now have 4 onion sprouts (yay!). There's 3 in this picture. One of the sprouts is in another section.

I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting and checking my peppers daily. This morning, there were no sprouts, but by the end of the day I have one, tiny sprout!!! Yay, I'm so excited!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Veggies are Growin!!

Just an update on my first ever vegetable garden: I haven't killed them, yet!!! The okra is doing especially well. None of my onions have sprouted and only one pepper is just starting to sprout (enough so you can just barely see it).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gardening Adventures!

About a month ago, we had a speaker come to our MOPS group to talk about gardening/ landscaping stuff. I've always considered myself to have a pretty black thumb. But I was inspired to try a vegetable garden this year (even though I didn't think I would end up following through with is). I mentioned it to our very generous neighbors who are always out in their yard tending to their plants. About a week later they gave us a some organic seeds to get us started!! I planted collards, okra, 2 types of tomatos, 2 types of lettuce, peppers, and onions. That was Monday.

Today I have some collard sprouts!! There's 2 in this picture, but 4 total! Hopefully I'll be able to keep these things alive!!


Yesterday, I was getting dinner ready in the kitchen. Jack usually is clinging to me, wanting to be held, and wanting to see EVERYTHING I do while I cook. But yesterday, Jack was being quiet in the den, so I was very excited. I heard him blowing his nose over and over, but didn't think too much of it because I had given him one wipe to blow his nose with. When I finally went into the den, this is what I found:

Apparently he blew his nose on every wipe in the box!!! Don't worry, nothing got on them, so I just put them all back in the wipes container :)

And this picture is just too sweet not to share. I was trying to wake Jack up because it was 8:45 and we had to be somewhere at 9:30. This is how he's sleeping most nights when we go in to check on him before we go to bed:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

I recently went to Anderson's, an Amish store we have here in Lynchburg, where I picked up a recipe for homemade dishwasher detergent. I've been making my own laundry detergent for a while and really enjoy saving money that way, so I thought I'd give this a try. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and it seems to do a great job cleaning our dishes! I already had the Washing Soda and Borax because I use them when I make laundry detergent. And I already had salt, of course. I did not know what Citric Acid was or where to find it. It's used for canning tomatoes and I got it at Anderson's. I couldn't find it at the Kroger near my house, but it's also a small Kroger. I'm not near smart enough to figure out how much it costs per load, but I'm pretty sure it's saving us money :) Maybe I should get my mom, who's a math teacher, to figure it out for me! Here's the recipe: 1 cup Washing Soda 1 cup Borax 1/2 cup Salt 1/2 cup Citric Acid Mix together and store tightly covered in a glass jar. Use one tablespoon per load. If you live in the area and have never been to Anderson's, I highly recommend making at least one visit. They have great prices on locally made things (honey, produce, etc.) and bulk items.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cheese Face

This is what Jack's face looks like when he eats mac and cheese.