Wednesday morning we packed up our bags and headed to Mt. Dora (just oustide of Orlando) to visit Uncle Jim, Aunt Dawn, Jake, Ben, and Sarah (and Grandma and Grandpa Brumels got to come visit for a couple of days!). Mt. Dora is just about the cutest place ever! We enjoyed beautiful, sunny, 70 degree weather the whole time we were there!
First things first, Luke needed to give Jack some Root Beer. Which I happen to think is disgusting, but Jack seemed to love it :)
Thursday night we went to the Disney Boardwalk for ice cream and fun. This is Uncle Jim with Jack. Jack took a real liking to Uncle Jim and Aunt Dawn.
Most of us at the boardwalk (Grandma and Grandpa Brumels, Uncle Jim, Jack, Me, Aunt Dawn)
Jack was so proud of himself for getting up in this rocking chair!
This is what we really went to the Boardwalk for: Beaches and Cream!! It's a 50's style restaurant that's known for their ice cream. You'll see what we ordered in the next picture.
This, my friends, is called "The Kitchen Sink!" I didn't get a picture of it before we started digging in. Basically it's a bunch of scoops of ice cream with candy mixed all in it and tons of toppings! And a WHOLE CAN of whipped cream! YUM!!!
Jack eating his first Oreo. This one happened to be kinda soggy from the ice cream to begin with.
Me and Aunt Dawn enjoying our Kitchen Sink.... and yes, we ate everything but the kitchen sink :)
We had so much fun with Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, and Cousins in Mt. Dora! I can't wait 'til we get to go visit again! Thanks for having us Uncle Jim and Aunt Dawn!!
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