Thursday, June 10, 2010

Venturing out...

Luke and I are participating in a co-op with a local farm this year. It's a great deal! We paid $35 and we we get 5 lbs. of veggies a week for 24 weeks. PLUS, when corn's in season we get 12 ears per week. PLUS we get an 8 pound pumpkin. PLUS there's 2 free canning sessions.

We usually stick to the same veggies: beans, corn, carrots, potatos, etc. Today I asked the girls at the stand how to cook beets and we decided to try one! The decision (which both of us agreed on): beets really aren't that bad....but they aren't great either. I think if I ever come across a recipe that calls for beets, I'll try it. But as for now, we're not going to be eating any more beets with dinner :o)


  1. We said that same thing about beets, red cabbage, and regular cabbage so far... "nah, not until we find a great recipe."

  2. The cabbage you gave me was great. Everyone that had some thought so too.
