Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Last night I had the WORST case of insomnia! At first I thought I couldn't go to sleep because I drank a lot of sweet tea a dinner. I don't drink a lot of caffine anymore, so I thought maybe that's what was keeping me up. I finally fell asleep around 1:45am, but woke up again around 3:30am. I laid in bed for a long while trying to go back to sleep, but I was just wide awake. I finally got up at 5:00 am.

Since I was up, I decided to work on a sewing project that I've been needing to do for a LONG time. Our friends, Dom and Bekah, who live in California are expecting their first baby...a boy! Since they live so far away from a lot of their family and friends, Bekah decided to make a bird mobile for their baby, but to have their family and close friends each make one bird to complete the mobile. You can read more about it and see a picture here. SEVERAL months ago I recieved instructions on how to make a bird and swatches of fabric that will be thier nursery colors. My instructions were to pick 2 pieces of contrasting fabrics, follow the pattern to make the bird, and return it to them by August 1st (OOPS!!).

I found 2 pieces of fabric in their nursery colors I liked from WalMart for $1.50 each (score!). Since I was wide awake this morning, I decided to get to work on making this bird. I mean, they do need it before the baby makes his big arrival! I am not a seamstress. I have only sewn a few things in my life. And to be honest, I didn't know if this bird would turn out right at all. But I wanted to give it a shot. (I even had to borrow a needle and thread from my mother in law!) I know this is not the best bird in the world and there are lots of blemishes, I'm sure. I actually stuffed it with left over fabric...I mean, c'mon, I definitely don't have any batting laying around my house! So, it turned out a little lumpy. But, this bird was made with much love! Maybe Bekah can put my bird at the top of the mobile so people can't see it real good :)

The top side of the bird:

The bottom side of the bird:

Now let's just hope it doesn't take me as long to ship the bird as it did for me to make it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I assumed you wouldn't have time with the move and all. Don't worry mine isn't done either. But I think I am going to have to assemble next week. I think I need engineering help and my dad will be here. I feel the balance will be a frustrating task to achieve.I'll keep you posted, I feel this cannot end in epic failure, I have no choice but to make it happen. :)
