Friday, August 27, 2010

What a day!

So.....long story, short. Levi (our dog) came in from being outside yesterday and laid down on the couch. When he got up, I saw what, at first, I thought was black beads on the couch. I kept looking at these "beads" and noticed they were moving!! That's right, moving! Any one have any guesses as to what these tiny black things are? Nope, they're not fleas. They're baby ticks. That's right, TICKS!!! I don't know what Levi walked through/ played in outside, but it was like baby ticks hatched all over him!
I didn't know if these ticks were a new addition to our household, or if Levi had brought them in earlier. So what did I do? I became an emotional wreck and called Luke at work ... who came home promptly :) The whole time I was crying I was thinking, "Laura, God's in control. It's ok." But I couldn't help being VERY upset. I ended up taking Jack over to my friend Jen's house while Luke fogged the house, bathed Levi (twice!), and cut the grass. Luke said he pulled about 20 more bigger ticks off of Levi. We put Frontline-type stuff on Levi. This morning, we found a few more DEAD baby ticks that Levi lost overnight. I think our pest problem is solved. And remember what I said earlier about God being in control? Well, He is. Although clean-up took several hours, it only cost us $9 for the bug fogger stuff. Praise the Lord we caught this early on and it did not cost us an arm and a leg!


  1. Oh my, Laura! I would completely freak out too. I mean, I guess ticks have to be babies at some time, but I never knew! I guess I would prefer baby ticks over fleas though...fleas jump like crazy and you never know where they may be. Ticks are just within walking distance. Glad you got it taken care of :)

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I am deathly afraid of ticks. I would have done the same. ew. Glad the issue is resolved!

  3. wow...that is so stressful! you poor thing, I am glad you noticed so soon!
