Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Due Date

So, we had what we thought was our 22 week appointment today. Turns out it was actually our 21 week appointment. I got demoted!! Our new due date is December 5 - bumped back one week!

All the baby's body parts and organs are looking great!

We did get a video of today's ultrasound, but we can't look at it because we don't want to know the sex of the baby. So....that means you don't get to see it either!! :) We did get some pictures to share with you....although not as many as most people get at this point, again...because we don't want to know the sex of the baby.

Some facts from today:
The baby weighs 1 lb and 2 oz
The baby's heart beat was 148
I have offically gained 12 pounds! Whoa!!

The baby's spine, hands, legs, and head:
Similar shot as the one above:
Baby's spine, ribs and head


Feet again:

Left and right leg:

Heart - you can actually see all 4 ventricles:

The little computer hands are pointing to the hands:

Left and right arm:

Face - you can see the eye sockets really good in this one.
She said the eyes are still closed:
Face again - does the baby look like me or Luke??


  1. Good work guys. I'm sure it's hard to keep saying "no" to knowing more about your little one.

  2. i bet you watch the dvd... and just don't tell anyone... :)

  3. great blogs luke and laura! love you guys!

  4. These are really great shots. I can't wait to see our little "grapefruit." Luke, I bet you're helping out quite a bit around the house, does it make you wish you could take back all those "kitchen" jokes you used to say all the time?
